Updates at Draco Hill

The world has slowed down due to COVID-19, and that means just enough time to catch up on this website we’ve neglected for so long. It was even completely out of commission for the last few months! Apologies to our vast following. 🙂

We’ve joined Hipcamp and have been enjoying our guests, who’ve been wonderful. Take a look at the link and send word to friends if they’d like a safe, quiet place to camp sometime.

The black raspberries came and went too quickly this year and the mulberries weren’t much to rave about, but we’ve got a bumper crop of Asian pears and Bailey peaches coming in. We also had our first real harvest of honeyberries! They were so popular we didn’t get any preserved or sold. Maybe next year.

Below are some photos of the latest happenings at Draco Hill.

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Greetings from Paul, Suzan and Ayshe.