WWOOFers up the wazoo!

This week and last we have 3 WWOOFers staying with us. Melanie is from  Minnesota, Ben from New York and Maya from California. They all come with their own experience and desire to learn. It’s been interesting to see them soak up what we’ve got to offer around here and over at VersaLand Farm with Grant, the beginning farmer we’re helping out.

We offer a wide range of experiences to WWOOFers from around the world and we learn so much when they stay with us. For a half day’s labor we give them room and board. It’s a great trade!

WWOOFers are in charge of keat and guinea care while they’re here.

ben melanie and maya and keats (800x600)









They’ve cleaned out the brooder where we keep the young keats and are getting them out of a temporary holding pen (aka box) and returning them to their clean environs.

This made the keats happy enough to pose for a pic!

keats july 26 (800x600)









They also helped us work on our prairie and our overgrown garden these last few unbelievable 75-degree July days!

Melanie weeding in the garden.

melanie weeding (800x600)









Maya moving wood from trees we’re clearing in the prairie.

maya moving wood (800x600)









Ben and Paul heading up to get the wood chipper. 

ben and paul (800x600)