Spring woodland flowers

Spring flowers are bursting out all over!

I need your help. I’m still new at this and don’t know my woodland flowers very well. Wildflower walks have been hard to get to, but definitely on my list. In the meantime, I wanted to post these beauties, which I’m sure are quite common. If you know them, please identify them in the comment section and I’ll add that to the captions – thanks!

In 10 minutes I had the answers – thank you members of the Iowa Native Plant Society! I knew this would be a no-brainer for you folks!

#1 – Is this phlox? Nope – toothwort!  (Cardamine concatenata)

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#2 – And how about these? Bellwort or merrybells (Uvularia grandiflora)

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#3 – Then we have…Dogtooth violet, aka white trout lily or adder’s tongue, (Erythronium albidum) whew!

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#4 and #5 How about these two? Blue (Viola sororia) and yellow (Viola pubescens) violets!

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These two I know thanks to previous visitors to Draco Hill! May apples and interrupted ferns just coming up – looking forward to seeing the maidenhair ferns that populate our woods as well.

ferns and may apples (640x480)

may apples (640x480)


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Come visit us some time!