November Newcomers!

First, we want to officially welcome Dog #3 – Gunnar! He’s a Red Heeler/Border Collie mix we picked up on Craig’s list just days before they were going to put him down. He’s a sweetheart, though a little damaged. He’ll heal here and find his confidence with Chilly and Lil’ Bit showing him the way.

Another nice surprise was a decent little harvest of gourds from our Milpa field. The friend who gave us the seeds said we planted them too densely. Good thing we get another chance next year! But these survived frost and the flail mower.

We did get to enjoy a pretty decent chestnut harvest, but this time the campaign allowed deer to get to more than we would’ve liked.

We finally put the gardens away in November, thankful for the late arrival of winter, and discovered this fellow on the landscape cloth.