August wildflowers and grasses

Took a walk and a bunch of photos yesterday. Lots of flowers and the grasses are coming on strong. Still to post, insects and mushrooms, but not as many of each.

The big bluestem in the prairie remnant is well over 9 feet tall, even in the second summer of drought. While we have lots of cup plants (not pictured), the compass plants are starting to show up along the edges of the woods.

We welcome any corrections to the names of these plants – still learning!

White and purple/blue vervain
White and purple/blue vervain



maidenhair fern




compass plants and bellflowers
compass plants and bellflower
bellflower and blackeyed susans
bellflower and blackeyed susan







big blue stem
big blue stem



plains coreopsis

plains coreopsis




burdock blooming
burdock blooming